Synopsis: "Erika-chan, 20 years old" who is an instructor at a kickboxing gym. - As she trains regularly, she has a toned and beautiful body, especially her buttocks are attractive enough to be seen even through her clothes. - Contrary to her flashy appearance, she is surprisingly inexperienced, and enjoys her pleasure while being taught various sexual knowledge by a man. - In flirtatious sex like a couple, wet your pussy and change your bright smile to a face.. Play contents: interview, deep kiss, groping from the top of the clothes to the lower body, groping the nipples, sticking out the buttocks-on clothes Muscle groping, Nipple groping, M-shaped pants slide fingering, Cunnilingus, Fingering, Fingering on all fours, Blowjob, Insertion at missionary position, Standing back, Cowgirl, Side position, Missionary position, Facial