Aoi Mizuki, also known as Sailor Water Hermes, and Shindomei, who wears an Armani mask, meet Kokone Amami, an angel blazer who fights an enemy called a demon beast. - Seeing this beautiful and strong female warrior, Aoi Mizuki becomes jealous, and Shindoaki is fascinated by her... - From that moment on, the battle between Sailor Water Hermes Aoi Mizuki and Angel Blazer Kokone Amami began. - The Armani-masked Shin Domei tries to stop the fight between the two over him, but it would be easy for Gloiser, the leader of the demonic tribe, to take advantage of the gap in his heart. - After successfully capturing the beautiful saint warrior Sailor Water Hermes and the pure-hearted warrior princess Angel Blazer, the commander-in-chief, Gloiser, captures them, enjoys sex, and sends them down to Acme Hell, where he executes one of them and makes the other his servant. - It was...! - [BAD END]